Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What's up?

Well the last couple blogs have been pretty serious so we will lighten the mood. This is my 43 post which is pretty cool, that I have actually done over 40 of these. I don't know if I would say any of the 43 posts have been of any value, but that is not for me to decide. Anyway I have a pretty cool/funny idea for my 50th so that will be coming along soon enough. I think it will be my best work ever, well I don't know about that. It will be Blogrific, amaBlogzingr, Blogsome, Blogool, Blogonitical, a great Blogtunity, Blogtubular, CowaBlog, and Absolutley BLOGTASTIC!!! Ah, well I don’t know what any of those mean but, whatever. Anyway it will be coming soon. Until then I got nothing to say. So watch these…

Here are some HomeStar Runner Cartoons
Experimental Film
Bug in mouth, Caleb Rules, ha ha
Your Friends
Teen Girl Squad 10

O.K. that is enough for now, those are some of my favoriets...


One More...
Sorry I remembered this one and it makes me cry when I watch it cause it's so funny.
O.K. I'm done for now.


Sunday, February 26, 2006


Sorry this isn't very good. I don't have any good pictures either sorry...

Music: Less than Jake, The Bruce Lee Band, Brave Saint Saturn, Sum 41, The Peacocks, The Lawrence Arms, Johnny Cash, Neil Young, Coldplay, R.E.M., Skank’in Pickle, Mike Park, King Apparatus, Bagheera, The Rudiments, Let’s Go Bowling, Slapstick, Bob Dylan, Roper, Mu330, Relient K, Philmore, Ghoti Hook, Ace Troubleshooter, and Five Iron Frenzy

Well I hope this post finds you well, life here is going good nothing to big, work, study, and seeing friends. Why work tomorrow, oh so sad...

Hey a couple of things. If you get the chance you should see the movie Why We Fight it looks good, very interesting, I saw a long trailer and it doesn’t look like it is one sided but just asks the question how did America get to be the defender of the world and our money and armies get so intertwined.

Also if you live in the Twin Cities on Friday March 3rd at 7:00pm at Bethlehem we are going to watch a documentary about the AIDS crisis in Africa. It is called Dear Francis,. It should be good and then after the documentary they do a phone interview with the filmmaker and then all are invited to The Corner (that's what Mitch and I call the house, we are very clever) to hang out, talk about the movie, or play games and have some fun.

Anyway poverty. In reality I am not the best person to talk about this, Missy, Eileen and Scott have been going to this class for about six months so if you want to talk more about the idea of poverty, race, and redemption they would be the best people to talk to. If you don’t know them ah, well I got nothing for you, so sorry, my bad, my bad…

Well they had a special activity for the class last week; it was called a poverty simulation. It is an exercise where you have to handle the finances for a family of five on a little over minimum wage. You have to make decisions like do we own a car or ride the bus, rent or own, how to handle health care, and child care. There is some chance involved like people get sick or you get a promotion at work, some good some bad, it seemed pretty “realistic” considering it was a simulation. If you ran out of money you could go to social services for help or try and get a new job, or a second job or a third job.

Our family “made it” meaning we had money at the end of the month well we had zero dollars left but we didn’t have less than zero dollars. Hooray for us!!! Anyway we did the right things we decided to own, we bought a car, we didn’t have health insurance, which wasn’t good, but that is the way things go. We had to make some tough choices. Anyway what I noticed was that me made it, but at what cost. Dad was working at night mom was working two jobs one on the weekend or dad was working seven days a week. We lived in a neighborhood where we were “scared” for our safety, or the game told us we were, but we decided to stick it out.

Yes, financially our family survived but we would be in shambles, we would never see each other, we had no recreational activities. I mean how long would we be able to pull that off, we struggled through for a month and a simulation and we were all stressed by then end of it, well I was stressed. The values that most people judge their lives like how do we give the best and most opportunities to our children, how do we let our interpersonal relationships of our family thrive were thrown out the window. The bottom line became the bottom line. Money in the end was all that mattered.

We, like every other group, had to make a trip to social services and “they” (Ben Piper) told us we made to much money. We would have to be making about half of what we were making, somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,500 a month.

Anyway it really put into question the idea that anyone can work themselves out of poverty. It would have taken one big disaster and we would have been sunk. And even the though of doing this for years and years it is easy, very easy to see why these families don’t make it. Why many marriages that are dealing with this end in separation or divorce.

If you have a chance to ever go through a poverty simulation, do it. It will help your worldview; help increase your heart for helping those around you who struggle financially. I don’t think I need to let people know about helping the poor. We need to help more, we need to care and, we need to do more. And we need to have compassion we need to get involved, it will not be and easy road, it will be difficult and you will get hurt and it will be tough but we can start making a difference. It’s time to care...
Sorry this is probably grammatically bad and not very good spelling either.

Caleb M. Saarela

“Wealth is a Ghetto”

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Take advantage

*Updated 2/23/06 Around 9:00 taking advantage of the internet and a little free time at work.

Well I will take advantage of the quality Internet connection (at home ours has been wacky to say the least), and my total lack of motivation to study, and do a music update and then I think I will blog on the poverty thing this weekend. We will see though.

So Music: I have been listening to this strange mix of punk, ska, and alternative rock. Lots of Switchfoot, Black Eyed Sceva, Model Engine, The Bruce Lee Band, Less Than Jake, Skank'in Pickle, and Roper. I have also been totally addicted to Mike Park’s new Cd "North Hangook Falling" which is a reference to North Korea. I don't know it's not like this amazing Cd in the sense that it is just him and an acoustic guitar for the most part and it's not like he has an amazing voice but it is just a great Cd. I really like it. I have also changed my links around. One of them is to Mike's record company Asian Man Records. He runs it how all record companies should be run, out of his garage with help from his dad. Awesome!!!

*The other band that I am just starting to realize is awesome is The Bruce Lee Band. It is another Mike Park thing but they have this sweet 6 song EP that is available through iTunes and Asian Man Records, it is named "Beautiful World". It is cheap and is a great little ska EP which is really catching and cool. So cool, so wicked awesome... Check it out or I will poke your eyes out with a stick...
Anyway see you all around.
Caleb M. Saarela


Monday, February 20, 2006

Being Green

*Hey I updated this again at 8:00am on 2/22/06. I found a better link to the statement that I referenced in my blog. It is called Climate Change:An Evangelical call to action. I think it would be good to check it out and see what it is saying.

Updated 2/21/06 Around 9:00am and again at 12:30pm. Remember check out the links they will take you to more information and if you click on any of the photos you will be able to see larger versions of them. Peace.

Music: Bob Dylan, The Shins, O' Brother Where art Thou?, Some Alt Rock, Rage Against the Machine, Martin Sexton, Aaron Sprinkle, Reese Roper, Nirvana, ELO, The Foo Fighters, and it is kind of implied that 5Fe is in there too.

Poverty and a Better World

Well it has been another busy weekend of balancing studying, time with friends, and events that affect my life and spirituality. On Saturday night I went to an informational meeting on what they called “Creation Care.” I would call it in simple terms “Being Green for the Glory of God.” On Sunday I joined two of my friends Scott and Missy at their Sunday school class for a poverty exercise. Scott, Missy, and Eileen have been attending this class (Race Redemption and Poverty) for about six months or so and I have never had the motivation to get involved with it but this event has probably solidified it for me and I would like to return and join them for the rest of the year. So there it is a weekend filled with talking and thinking through two huge issues. I will discuss the idea of Being Green first and then come back to the poverty one later in the week or next week perhaps.

My interest about being more “Green” started probably right after I got back from China. It wasn’t a huge interest but it has grown on me the more I have read and looked into the subject. These ideas do not come out of an attempt to “save the earth” for that end but to care for it to give glory to God. Nowhere in this post will you hear me say we should worship the earth or mother earth. All of the ideas flow from the idea that the creator is worthy of praise, and caring for the planet is a way of caring for other human beings. I hope in this little post you will see why I think being green should be part of our Christian lives.

Some time last week some leaders of the evangelical community released a statement on climate change. It is not a huge thing but the evangelical community has been eerily silent on environmental issues over the last 20 years. So much so that when this statement came out many news sources took note and it was the topic of much conversation.

What type of conversation? Well a lot of them have been about how some of the “big name” evangelicals are not part of the group who signed this. Some examples are James Dobson, Chuck Coleson, and Franklin Graham. NPR had a little thing on it and it gives some of the reasons that some evangelical leaders did not sign the statement. Here is part of their argument as stated in the NPR article.

“Land, along with Colson and Dobson, wrote a letter opposing the Evangelical Call to Action because, he says, there is not consensus about climate change among evangelicals. Land says the Bible makes clear that God expects human beings to take care of the earth. But "human beings come first in God's created order," he adds. "And that primacy must be given to human beings and for human betterment. If that means that other parts of nature take a back seat, well, then they take a back seat,

Land argues that slowing economic growth and development by overly strict environmental controls will harm human beings.”

To say I was disappointed to read this was a bit of an understatement. Especially the end of it, remember people are important but not as important as economic growth, no new taxes!!! I don’t know that just sounds like such old political rhetoric. But the statement was a great start. I applaud the people who did sign it.

Here are a couple verses that point to the idea of being mindful of creation. Genesis 1:1 God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:26-31 God give the earth to man and entrusts it’s care to him. Just like anything else God has entrusted, it should not be wasted. Psalm 19:1-4 The heavens declare the glory of the Lord. The earth was created to display God’s glory we should value that display. There are tons of other verses like this that talk about praising God because of the wonders of his creation. Romans 8:18-25 This verse is arguably the most interesting. In verse 21 the earth “will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain freedom of the glory of the children of God.” Creation will be redeemed in a similar way to the children of God, it groans in pains of childbirth. I always was under the assumption that the earth would be destroyed, like we would sit up in heaven and then God would blow the thing up and we would cheer and oh and ah it would be kind of like the fourth of July. But these verses make it sound more like creation, the earth, will be set right, or renewed to how it was intended to be. There are many more I am just drawing a couple little scratches in what is a beautiful and large picture.

I think there are two problems. The first is that in the evangelical community being Green is considered liberal, and being liberal is considered wrong or even sinful. So being Green is considered wrong or even sinful. Did everyone catch that logical process A=B, B=C, and so A=C. Hooray for college… Now I doubt that anyone actually thinks that. I don’t think the Christian community actually thinks being Green is sinful but there is a stigma attached to it and I think it has something to do with A=C. So maybe we think I want to do more to care for this world God created but then we are afraid that we will be labeled as liberal.

The issue is that these “liberals” are putting us to shame when it comes to caring for God’s creation. They look around and wonder where are the people of God? Why don’t they say something? Why don’t they do something? And I think they are right to question us.

Another problem is that we do not associate environmental issues with people’s lives. In most of the rest of the world people see the connection very clearly. In Kenya and most other places in the world they see a direct connection to conserving the earth and people living. If we deforest the land the land will erode and we will not be able to farm the land and we will die. Most of the rest of the world sees the direct connection. I use Kenya as an example, I was talking to lady who had been there in the mid-eighties and then again last year. She said that the change was visably noticiable. In about twenty years things had gotten so bad that recoving is going to be an incredible up hill battle. In America this has not pushed our comfort level yet. When we waste water, or use up our natural resources, don’t recycle, or destroy our land people don’t die. It may cost us a little more money or be a little inconvenient but no one in our lives dies. In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus tells about the judgement and is saying when you the least of these you did this for me. Being Green is something we can do for the least of these, even though we are not affected directly yet. In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus asks the lawyer “Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” I guess I want to know who do we consider to be our neighbor? It is anyone we can show mercy to, and a way we can show mercy is by being more environmentally minded.

So what can we do? Well that is a tricky one, I will be honest, we can’t change the world but we can do our part, I think. One thing I know we can do is to start seeing the connection between protecting God’s creation and protecting people. That is where I think Dobson, Coleson, and Land have missed the point they are not thinking big enough, why I don’t know. But lets love our neighbors by being more conscious of what we do to the environment.

Here are some other things, I think most people know them but there is a small list. The NDRC has some good tips or ideas that you can look at but here some others too. Recycle, you can recycle more than you probably know. Drive Less, Drive Smart,don’t drive to work by yourself everyday, use mass transit, or use a bike. Now I know that here in Minneapolis this is not possible all the time, the Twin Cities are very spread out and it is freezing outside for about half the year but again lets start small and see what we can do. I need to start riding my bike to work again; I have let the cold get the better of me. But you know we can do things like getting rides together with coworkers or friends, again it can be a little more inconvenient but it’s a start. Water conservation, turn off the water when you brush your teeth take shorter showers. I have said it before; I think the next world war will be over water not oil. Energy Conversation, not only is this good for the environment but for your budget.

Those are just a couple little things but find out for yourself don’t take my word for it.

Again I think it is so important for us to make the connection between our actions and the way it affects people around the world. I know we are busy and have stresses to deal with here infront of us and it is hard to think about people all around the world, but when it comes right down to it, I think we need to.
Caleb M. Saarela

How Great Thou Art

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Little talk

Little break after bio and before I finish up Medical Terminology and take my test...

Music: Still a lot of Queen, weird. A little 5Fe, Foo Fighters and Mike Park, what a weird mix...

Hey all thanks to anyone who prays for me. School is going really well I am working hard and getting things done, and actually doing well. Yea!!! Just one thing and then I will let you all go. Go read Scott's blog. It is better than mine by like leaps and bounds. Anyway go read it. I love you all even those who make fun of my punctuation and spelling.

"I have met rocks smarter than me."
The Refrigerator Guy

"Thank God sanctification does not come first."
Caleb M. Saarela


Sunday, February 12, 2006

Christian Music

(Updated February 13th, after reading Scott's comment)*

So I have to really knock this one out of the park and then head to bed quick but I need a little break to write and “speak on it.”

Music of the Day(s): So 5Fe off and on the last couple days, but lots of Electric Light Orchestra, Punk Rawk, with a little Plank Eye thrown in there, and Queen. I have been listening to “A Night at the Opera” by Queen which is awesome it has “Bohemian Rhapsody” on it which is arguably their best song ever but another song that I think just rules and I have been listening to a lot is ”39”. I don’t think it is one of there more famous songs but it rules, really cool sounding and pretty cool lyrics. Two other highlights, Queen’s “No One but You” and Plank Eye's “Beautiful.” Sweet Songs!!! (well you knew I had to say it once)

A note on Hemmingway, I liked the story that is all I was saying I don’t really care about his life or what he was trying to say or what anyone else thought he was saying… I just liked it, I hope I did not imply otherwise…

Now on to the subject of Christian Music. I am not sure what I was originally saying was totally understood, maybe it was but let me sum up and give a good example. A lot of super popular bands lyrics are not very good and we like them because we are told we should when there are artist out there who say it better and with more heart and passion but they don’t look the part and are thrown to the way side.
Example: Big House by Audio Adrenaline and World Without End by Five Iron Frenzy

Both are songs about the hope we have in heaven but look at the lyrics which one exudes the passion you want expressed about the one place we will finally feel at home in? I guess that was my point that I wish more Christian artist would write stuff that had some depth. And it doesn’t just have to be “Christian” stuff. It can be the hurt and pain and doubt and struggle of the Christian life. But again so many of the “big” songs about this just leave me lacking and wanting more. No offense to AA but I guess I have grown…

Also I love “secular” music. The Foo Fighters are one of my favorite bands and “Everlong” is one of my all time favorite songs, that song rocks… Can God use a secular artist to bring them to know him? I think that’s kind of a dumb question, God can use anything, heck he could even use me which is ten times more amazing considering I have no talents, especially compared to some the amazing artist that he has blessed with amazing gifts, not only in music but in other stuff (sorry Eileen that sentence was long but that is just the way my mind works). I don't like it for the same reason I like most Christian music I listen to but I still love it. More on this in two paragraphs…

O.K. other general thoughts on Christian music. First I will say this I don’t know their hearts I am just connecting the dots from what I have seen or read to come to these conclusions. I understand that God can and will use any band but that being said, I think we should hold Christian Artist to a Higher Standard then Non-Christian Artist even though it might be more difficult for them.

Artist that are not making music for the glory of God are making it for their own reasons, like money, power, fame, or enjoyment. Let’s call this purpose A. When I listen to music made by people searching after purpose A music then any enjoyment I receive from it is cool, but I don’t have that expectation going in. If it brings me closer to God so be it. One thing I believe strongly about this type A music, it should never be used in church services. Romans 14:23. Why use music like that when you could use music that people had intended to Glorify God (purpose B).

But when someone is attempting to make type B music and I am listening to it, it is O.K. for me to expect that this music should move me in some way, hopefully. Side note not every song on a CD needs to be a “spiritual” song and not every cd needs to be a worship cd. It is O.K. to write songs about life and girlfriends and silly songs about where you live, but there should be more than just that. In fact I don’t like worship cd’s that much, I would rater listen to a band that can write about Jesus, friends, heartaches, life, death, loss, love, random crap, important issues and other stuff and it moves me to worship.

I think the problem that Christian music runs into is that the lines are getting blurred. Like Scott probably more eloquently pointed out the Christian music industry is just that an industry and what is the purpose? It is to sell a product.

I will pick on one band here that most people like but totally turned me off a couple years ago and maybe through this you all will be able to see why. The band is Third Day. I loved the Offerings album I thought it was cool. It had a Bob Dylan cover on it which was nice and the song “Ten Thousand Hills” was a team theme song my first year in China. But on the album “Come Together” there was something on it that changed the way I saw them and their music. In the cd notes they thanked their stylist. This is a person you pay to fix your hair and pick out your clothing so you have the right look. Some people have tried to say well they are very busy, but I’m not buying, they are going for a look. Why are they going for a look? Well the conclusion I came to was that they are selling a product. Which makes their music fall into category A. It was an interesting turn of events and I don’t know if that is truly their intentions but the Chevy sponsorship doesn’t help their case and their treatment of roadies at the 2003(?) Lifefest is another strike against them. Anyway it changed how I looked at there music and them. I am sure they are nice guys and who knows maybe there is a reason that they are paying someone to dress them, but you got me…

*So what does this mean for me? Well I will probably not buy anymore Third Day cd's or go see any Third Day shows. Does that mean you shouldn't? I don't really think so, but I know I was never able to look at them the same. And it is true for a lot of bands. I guess I would like to avoid supporting Type A music that is claiming to be Type B. I don't know it is tough and I don't have it all figured out, just my thoughts...

My point is this, how does the Christian music industry balance being “rock stars” with being Christians called to humility, looking at others as more valuable then yourself and exulting Christ. How do they stay out of category A? It’s tough, few bands and individuals have done it. Keith Green was the original and he got it right. If you don’t know how he did music, learn (I mean that learn you can start by clicking on his name find out how much he chaged for cd's and compare to today’s bands, you will be shocked). Five Iron copied him a lot so you can learn from them to, but much props to Keith Green for being ahead of his time and for doing it right. His music was pretty good too.

Last thought sorry this is long and I know it has a ton of mistakes and incomplete thoughts. Every comment made is automatically e-mailed to me so I read them all, even the ones making fun of me and I smile, cause I know I am dumb. I wanted to get it out there for conversation and I want to hear from people, and I mean that, if I don’t respond this week forgive me school and work and all it won’t be until next weekend that I will for sure have time to check back.

I guess I will leave you with a similar thought as last time, Christian music should be ahead of secular music. Bach was, Steve Taylor was, Keith Green was, I believe Five Iron was, and I am sure there are hundred of other great examples but don’t just eat what the record labels are telling you is good. God is bigger than any band and just because they say His name doesn’t mean anything, look into things for yourself. Don’t just accept things as they appear, hold Christian artist to a higher standard the same way I believe God will because they had a voice, maybe not the same as pastors but... Christian Rock Stars are our generations pastors, and the preaching lacks depth. I’m done I promise… Don't settle for Type A music!!!
Caleb M. Saarela

Blue Mix

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Funny Quote

Music of the Day: Model Engine and Black Eyed Sceva, Steve Taylor, Weezer, Stavesacre, and I feel a Hip-Hop night coming on, we will see. Highlight, Justified by Black Eyed Sceva

"Partial insanity is tough, but total insanity is total freedom."
Dr. Nathan McLean

"Man I'm tired"


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Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Old Man and the Sea, and a new music feature and a little rant about Music

Music of the Day:
I have seen on some other people's blogs they list what they are listening to, well I listen to music a ton (like today I have listened about eighty songs today and its only 4:30 in the afternoon, and there have been a couple days this year where I have hit 200) so I will have to do genres with some highlights, it's rare I stick on one CD for more then one time through.
Music of the Day um it’s already up there ^ anyway one more time…
Music of the Day: Punk/Ska or Skunk, I started the day with Bob Marley then switched over to mostly punk, highlight of the day- “$13,000 dollars is a lot of food” by Skank’in Pickle, I love that song…

Also I just figured out how to do links in the text, Blogger had not let me do it before because of Safari, that’s the Internet browser I use, anyway I will probably add a ton of them from now on especially when I talk about lyrics from songs you will be able to just go to the link instead of having to search all over on my blog. Like in my last post I added one to Asian Man Records, which is Mike Park’s record company. I like him he is cool…

So I guess everyone else on the planet was forced to read “The Old Man and the Sea” in high school except me. Stupid Woodbury High School, once again you have failed me, I bet someone is going to take my lunch money now…

I think I need to start doing things I don’t like so I could put a bad review on here sometime. Maybe I will have to go see “Ice Age 2” or “Curious George” those both look like they would make me vomit uncontrollably. After watching the first “Ice Age” I had a serious case of the jibblies, and spewed my lunch for some time on all my friends, what a horrible story, the vomiting well “Ice Age” was a pretty horrible story too. Where was I?

Oh, yea “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway. It rocked!!! I have never read any Hemingway before and he is cool. The story was explained so well and with such sweet details. I really felt for the old man and felt his pain and what he was going through man it was a really great story. I think that is what entertainment is about. Telling a story. I don’t need all the explosions or flash and glamour, man just give me something to care about, even with music if the production is crappy and the music is not even that great but you are telling a great story in a great way man let me have it. Maybe that is part of the reason I have such a general disdain for the Christian Music Industry. They should have the best stories to tell yet so many “artist” just suck. On top of that they have the greatest story to tell ever. Not like kind of a really good one but the best one, lets be honest what story compares to the redemption of man through the blood of God’s only Son, Jesus. And we fill albums with crap, stupid Thousand Foot Crutch, Life Liberty and what, Toby-Who? Help me out if I forget any, Jeremy Post, Aaron Sprinkle, Joe Yerke, Scott, Hunter, Scott Kerr, guys from Plank Eye, Steve Taylor, Dennis Culp, Mark Salomon, Larry Norman, Steve Green, Rich Mullins, Brian McSweeney, and most of all Reese Roper where have you gone? Save us from Rebecca St. James…

Anyway I like “The Old Man and the Sea” I though it was a great story and am excited to read more Hemingway when I get the chance there are a few other books in front of his others but I’ll get there. Thanks for reading sorry I am so boring…
Aim high with your musical selection and I’ll aim high with my spelling deal?
Caleb M. Saarela

P.S. If you want info on who those guys are let me know I will hook you up with a rock’in Christian Compilation that will knock your socks off…

P.P.S. I guess the Christian Music Industry could be worse... The previous link may not be suitable for anyone with good taste...

“I was indeed surrounded
by self-proclaimed mental giants
in ryan's driveway
better a fool in the eyes of men than a fool in the eyes of God
watching minds descend under the blacktop
baited-breath, cigarettes, in the cab of a volkswagen van
eight-teen, born again, arguing the origins of man
teeth grit, fist clenched, I swing and strike the dashboard
how can they be so blind they want to blaspheme my Lord
the weakness of God is stronger than the strength of men
wisdom is proved right by her children
drew a thumbnail sketch of the cross in the window steam
from the thumbnail sketch inspiration came”
J. Post

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Sunday, February 05, 2006

North Hangook Falling

O.K. well this will be quick just got done studying for like six or seven hours and am feeling ready for the week. But the weekend was really good. I got to brew beer on Saturday afternoon with some fellas it was sweat we are brewing what should be an awesome oatmeal stout. I am super excited to get it in two weeks. It's really the only beer I am buying this spring so it sounds so good.

Anyway Friday was super busy. I went to a lecture about where science and faith intersect. After that I had a sweat homemade dinner with Scott and then we headed over to Bethlehem to meet Mitch and watch “Seoul Train” a documentary about North Korean refuges. That is what the title of the blog is about it is the title of a song by Mike Park former front man of Skank’in Pickle about North Korea.

So the movie “Seoul Train” was amazing. I said that I think it would be good if everyone read “Searching for God Knows What” well I am saying you need to see “Seoul Train.” It is a powerful and very informative. It really did a great job of explaining the general hopelessness of the situation. I am not going to go into a whole lot of details I am going to give you the link and let you know this. North Korea needs our prayers and anything else we can give. So go to seoultrain.com there will be a link on the side. Go check it out learn more and get involved, it’s not the only place in the world that is hurting but I can think of few that are hurting more.
Last thing came down from all the studying and there were like 15 people in the living room so here is a picture of them watching the game, I got in there too.
Caleb M. Saarela

P.S. I tried to get all the red eye out sorry...

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