Being Green
*Hey I updated this again at 8:00am on 2/22/06. I found a better link to the statement that I referenced in my blog. It is called Climate Change:An Evangelical call to action. I think it would be good to check it out and see what it is saying.
Updated 2/21/06 Around 9:00am and again at 12:30pm. Remember check out the links they will take you to more information and if you click on any of the photos you will be able to see larger versions of them. Peace.
Music: Bob Dylan, The Shins, O' Brother Where art Thou?, Some Alt Rock, Rage Against the Machine, Martin Sexton, Aaron Sprinkle, Reese Roper, Nirvana, ELO, The Foo Fighters, and it is kind of implied that 5Fe is in there too.
Poverty and a Better World

Well it has been another busy weekend of balancing studying, time with friends, and events that affect my life and spirituality. On Saturday night I went to an informational meeting on what they called “Creation Care.” I would call it in simple terms “Being Green for the Glory of God.” On Sunday I joined two of my friends Scott and Missy at their Sunday school class for a poverty exercise. Scott, Missy, and Eileen have been attending this class (Race Redemption and Poverty) for about six months or so and I have never had the motivation to get involved with it but this event has probably solidified it for me and I would like to return and join them for the rest of the year. So there it is a weekend filled with talking and thinking through two huge issues. I will discuss the idea of Being Green first and then come back to the poverty one later in the week or next week perhaps.
My interest about being more “Green” started probably right after I got back from China. It wasn’t a huge interest but it has grown on me the more I have read and looked into the subject. These ideas do not come out of an attempt to “save the earth” for that end but to care for it to give glory to God. Nowhere in this post will you hear me say we should worship the earth or mother earth. All of the ideas flow from the idea that the creator is worthy of praise, and caring for the planet is a way of caring for other human beings. I hope in this little post you will see why I think being green should be part of our Christian lives.
Some time last week some leaders of the evangelical community released a statement on climate change. It is not a huge thing but the evangelical community has been eerily silent on environmental issues over the last 20 years. So much so that when this statement came out many news sources took note and it was the topic of much conversation.
What type of conversation? Well a lot of them have been about how some of the “big name” evangelicals are not part of the group who signed this. Some examples are James Dobson, Chuck Coleson, and Franklin Graham. NPR had a little thing on it and it gives some of the reasons that some evangelical leaders did not sign the statement. Here is part of their argument as stated in the NPR article.
“Land, along with Colson and Dobson, wrote a letter opposing the Evangelical Call to Action because, he says, there is not consensus about climate change among evangelicals. Land says the Bible makes clear that God expects human beings to take care of the earth. But "human beings come first in God's created order," he adds. "And that primacy must be given to human beings and for human betterment. If that means that other parts of nature take a back seat, well, then they take a back seat,
Land argues that slowing economic growth and development by overly strict environmental controls will harm human beings.”
To say I was disappointed to read this was a bit of an understatement. Especially the end of it, remember people are important but not as important as economic growth, no new taxes!!! I don’t know that just sounds like such old political rhetoric. But the statement was a great start. I applaud the people who did sign it.
Here are a couple verses that point to the idea of being mindful of creation. Genesis 1:1 God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:26-31 God give the earth to man and entrusts it’s care to him. Just like anything else God has entrusted, it should not be wasted. Psalm 19:1-4 The heavens declare the glory of the Lord. The earth was created to display God’s glory we should value that display. There are tons of other verses like this that talk about praising God because of the wonders of his creation. Romans 8:18-25 This verse is arguably the most interesting. In verse 21 the earth “will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain freedom of the glory of the children of God.” Creation will be redeemed in a similar way to the children of God, it groans in pains of childbirth. I always was under the assumption that the earth would be destroyed, like we would sit up in heaven and then God would blow the thing up and we would cheer and oh and ah it would be kind of like the fourth of July. But these verses make it sound more like creation, the earth, will be set right, or renewed to how it was intended to be. There are many more I am just drawing a couple little scratches in what is a beautiful and large picture.
I think there are two problems. The first is that in the evangelical community being Green is considered liberal, and being liberal is considered wrong or even sinful. So being Green is considered wrong or even sinful. Did everyone catch that logical process A=B, B=C, and so A=C. Hooray for college… Now I doubt that anyone actually thinks that. I don’t think the Christian community actually thinks being Green is sinful but there is a stigma attached to it and I think it has something to do with A=C. So maybe we think I want to do more to care for this world God created but then we are afraid that we will be labeled as liberal.
The issue is that these “liberals” are putting us to shame when it comes to caring for God’s creation. They look around and wonder where are the people of God? Why don’t they say something? Why don’t they do something? And I think they are right to question us.
Another problem is that we do not associate environmental issues with people’s lives. In most of the rest of the world people see the connection very clearly. In Kenya and most other places in the world they see a direct connection to conserving the earth and people living. If we deforest the land the land will erode and we will not be able to farm the land and we will die. Most of the rest of the world sees the direct connection. I use Kenya as an example, I was talking to lady who had been there in the mid-eighties and then again last year. She said that the change was visably noticiable. In about twenty years things had gotten so bad that recoving is going to be an incredible up hill battle. In America this has not pushed our comfort level yet. When we waste water, or use up our natural resources, don’t recycle, or destroy our land people don’t die. It may cost us a little more money or be a little inconvenient but no one in our lives dies. In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus tells about the judgement and is saying when you the least of these you did this for me. Being Green is something we can do for the least of these, even though we are not affected directly yet. In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus asks the lawyer “Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?” I guess I want to know who do we consider to be our neighbor? It is anyone we can show mercy to, and a way we can show mercy is by being more environmentally minded.
So what can we do? Well that is a tricky one, I will be honest, we can’t change the world but we can do our part, I think. One thing I know we can do is to start seeing the connection between protecting God’s creation and protecting people. That is where I think Dobson, Coleson, and Land have missed the point they are not thinking big enough, why I don’t know. But lets love our neighbors by being more conscious of what we do to the environment.
Here are some other things, I think most people know them but there is a small list. The NDRC has some good tips or ideas that you can look at but here some others too. Recycle, you can recycle more than you probably know. Drive Less, Drive Smart,don’t drive to work by yourself everyday, use mass transit, or use a bike. Now I know that here in Minneapolis this is not possible all the time, the Twin Cities are very spread out and it is freezing outside for about half the year but again lets start small and see what we can do. I need to start riding my bike to work again; I have let the cold get the better of me. But you know we can do things like getting rides together with coworkers or friends, again it can be a little more inconvenient but it’s a start. Water conservation, turn off the water when you brush your teeth take shorter showers. I have said it before; I think the next world war will be over water not oil. Energy Conversation, not only is this good for the environment but for your budget.
Those are just a couple little things but find out for yourself don’t take my word for it.
Again I think it is so important for us to make the connection between our actions and the way it affects people around the world. I know we are busy and have stresses to deal with here infront of us and it is hard to think about people all around the world, but when it comes right down to it, I think we need to.
Caleb M. Saarela
How Great Thou Art

Updated 2/21/06 Around 9:00am and again at 12:30pm. Remember check out the links they will take you to more information and if you click on any of the photos you will be able to see larger versions of them. Peace.
Music: Bob Dylan, The Shins, O' Brother Where art Thou?, Some Alt Rock, Rage Against the Machine, Martin Sexton, Aaron Sprinkle, Reese Roper, Nirvana, ELO, The Foo Fighters, and it is kind of implied that 5Fe is in there too.
Poverty and a Better World

Well it has been another busy weekend of balancing studying, time with friends, and events that affect my life and spirituality. On Saturday night I went to an informational meeting on what they called “Creation Care.” I would call it in simple terms “Being Green for the Glory of God.” On Sunday I joined two of my friends Scott and Missy at their Sunday school class for a poverty exercise. Scott, Missy, and Eileen have been attending this class (Race Redemption and Poverty) for about six months or so and I have never had the motivation to get involved with it but this event has probably solidified it for me and I would like to return and join them for the rest of the year. So there it is a weekend filled with talking and thinking through two huge issues. I will discuss the idea of Being Green first and then come back to the poverty one later in the week or next week perhaps.
My interest about being more “Green” started probably right after I got back from China. It wasn’t a huge interest but it has grown on me the more I have read and looked into the subject. These ideas do not come out of an attempt to “save the earth” for that end but to care for it to give glory to God. Nowhere in this post will you hear me say we should worship the earth or mother earth. All of the ideas flow from the idea that the creator is worthy of praise, and caring for the planet is a way of caring for other human beings. I hope in this little post you will see why I think being green should be part of our Christian lives.
Some time last week some leaders of the evangelical community released a statement on climate change. It is not a huge thing but the evangelical community has been eerily silent on environmental issues over the last 20 years. So much so that when this statement came out many news sources took note and it was the topic of much conversation.
What type of conversation? Well a lot of them have been about how some of the “big name” evangelicals are not part of the group who signed this. Some examples are James Dobson, Chuck Coleson, and Franklin Graham. NPR had a little thing on it and it gives some of the reasons that some evangelical leaders did not sign the statement. Here is part of their argument as stated in the NPR article.
“Land, along with Colson and Dobson, wrote a letter opposing the Evangelical Call to Action because, he says, there is not consensus about climate change among evangelicals. Land says the Bible makes clear that God expects human beings to take care of the earth. But "human beings come first in God's created order," he adds. "And that primacy must be given to human beings and for human betterment. If that means that other parts of nature take a back seat, well, then they take a back seat,
Land argues that slowing economic growth and development by overly strict environmental controls will harm human beings.”
To say I was disappointed to read this was a bit of an understatement. Especially the end of it, remember people are important but not as important as economic growth, no new taxes!!! I don’t know that just sounds like such old political rhetoric. But the statement was a great start. I applaud the people who did sign it.

I think there are two problems. The first is that in the evangelical community being Green is considered liberal, and being liberal is considered wrong or even sinful. So being Green is considered wrong or even sinful. Did everyone catch that logical process A=B, B=C, and so A=C. Hooray for college… Now I doubt that anyone actually thinks that. I don’t think the Christian community actually thinks being Green is sinful but there is a stigma attached to it and I think it has something to do with A=C. So maybe we think I want to do more to care for this world God created but then we are afraid that we will be labeled as liberal.
The issue is that these “liberals” are putting us to shame when it comes to caring for God’s creation. They look around and wonder where are the people of God? Why don’t they say something? Why don’t they do something? And I think they are right to question us.

So what can we do? Well that is a tricky one, I will be honest, we can’t change the world but we can do our part, I think. One thing I know we can do is to start seeing the connection between protecting God’s creation and protecting people. That is where I think Dobson, Coleson, and Land have missed the point they are not thinking big enough, why I don’t know. But lets love our neighbors by being more conscious of what we do to the environment.
Here are some other things, I think most people know them but there is a small list. The NDRC has some good tips or ideas that you can look at but here some others too. Recycle, you can recycle more than you probably know. Drive Less, Drive Smart,don’t drive to work by yourself everyday, use mass transit, or use a bike. Now I know that here in Minneapolis this is not possible all the time, the Twin Cities are very spread out and it is freezing outside for about half the year but again lets start small and see what we can do. I need to start riding my bike to work again; I have let the cold get the better of me. But you know we can do things like getting rides together with coworkers or friends, again it can be a little more inconvenient but it’s a start. Water conservation, turn off the water when you brush your teeth take shorter showers. I have said it before; I think the next world war will be over water not oil. Energy Conversation, not only is this good for the environment but for your budget.
Those are just a couple little things but find out for yourself don’t take my word for it.
Again I think it is so important for us to make the connection between our actions and the way it affects people around the world. I know we are busy and have stresses to deal with here infront of us and it is hard to think about people all around the world, but when it comes right down to it, I think we need to.
Caleb M. Saarela
How Great Thou Art

Labels: Serious Stuff, Social Justice
Hey Caleb, did they give any specific suggestions or was the meeting more just for general information?
I wanted to go but I had a birthday party Saturday night...
Nothing to big it was just to start raising awareness (sp) and get people talking about the issue. Also I got on and e-mail list for future events.
One more thing I just thought of. Most people who are environmentalist are not Christians, it's just a fact. So it is a great way to meet some new friends and already have a great spot to start your conversation. Sorry no spell check this is probably bad...
Great post homie,
Michael Crichton came out with an interesting scientific novel last year called "State of Fear" regarding the issue of global warming and if it is real or if it is a hoax to scare us into giving more money to environmental agencies that are corrupt. I'm not saying that there is no global warming, but it is a really interesting read, especially taking in all the foot notes. I know you got nothin else to do these days, so just let me know when you want to borrow it :)
Part of the reason there has been a lame attempt to preserve the earth by Christians is because much or western eschatology is incorrect. Many American Christians and Evangelicals think biblical eschatology refers to future events as opposed to past events of Jesus' day. Therefore they literally do think this world will be destroyed and that Jesus will come back to save us from this dreaded place. These interpretations are completely in correct and I think that the hole that is facing Americans is going to be too deep to climb out of once we realize that we are even in it.
Another great way to combat this. DON'T DRINK BOTTLED WATER. I HATE BOTTLED WATER
Good Post. Respect for God's creation is something that is drastically underrated in the evangelical community at large.
There are lots of good reasons why the environment-first movement is stigmatized (not just among christians). I would never consider associating myself with such a movement, because a completely deranged minority is in charge of organizations like the Sierra Club for example. The Sierra club holds that "Family planning ensures healthy families and a healthy environment. Population growth affects the environment. We work to slow that growth and its impacts by promoting voluntary family planning and by encouraging the public to advocate for women and girls' access to basic rights, including health care and education." If you are willing to dig through the tangle of euphemisms, they support abortion as a means of protecting the environment (see their statement on this This is only the most drastic indication of the completely skewed priorities and aims of the environmentalist movement in general. I'm not saying we should throw out the earth with the bathwater, but I also understand why men like Graham, Dobson, and Colson are reluctant to associate themselves with things like that. I am myself.
The main thing is what you point out: organizations can only try to change the behavior of individuals. It's far more efficient for individuals to change their OWN behavior. Organizations (even the church) should really only play a peripheral role.
Thanks Silas,
I agree it starts with people and God's people need to do more. I hope that it is more than just respect; I think there should be action. That is why I like the statement released; it really is a call to action.
The other thing about that statement is that I don't think it is saying the environment should be first. It is just saying it should be more of a priority.
And part of the reason it should be more of a priority is because it is so closely connected to people's lives. I don't think they see that and I think we have to see that. No where in the statement is it saying go, give money to organizations like The Sierra Club. It is saying do something because people's lives, specifically the poorest of the poor's lives are at stake.
Especially what Land said, he didn't give the reason you gave he goes and brings up the economics. He doesn’t even want to place any responsibility on any of us, or even help in anyway, frustration.
Yes if we have strict environmental restriction and are not willing to take on some of the financial burden ourselves they will flounder. But there are things we can do to help both financially and environmentally. It's not one or the other, it just seems like over simplifying for reasons I cannot comprehend. Anyway I'm done I swear...
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