Thursday, October 30, 2008

Another crappy post on Politics!!!

So I know a lot of people have posted a lot of political junk and I know I’m happy that most of it will be over in a week.

I guess I wanted to through my hat into the mix but first I want to make two disclaimers…

First I’m writing this in class so if the grammar and spelling are bad, my bad…


O.K. lets go!

First I want to share two really great resources that I think everyone should take a look at. The first is This website is run by a non-partisan organization that wants people to vote based primarily on issues. So you can go on there and look at a ton of candidates and what they have said or how they have voted on a variety of issues. For most candidates it also shows how compliant they are with different organizations from both the left and the right. An example is that McCain was “Rated 75% by the NRLC (National Right to Life Committee), indicating a mixed record on abortion.” And “Rated 0% by NARAL (Pro-Choice America), indicating a pro-life voting record.” The website sites all their sources so you can see where they got their information (newspaper article, or library of congress for voting records).

I love this website I totally recommend checking it out; you can also click on the state, like Minnesota and you can look at different candidates from Minnesota.

The second website is This website will show you who is going to be on your ballot. You type in your zip code and then find your street and it will show you what your ballot will look like. So you at least see what you are getting into, every time I go to vote there are like thirty people running for judges seats and they are running against themselves. So you can at least look them up see who you would support. Again I thought it was a nice little tool.

O.K. now a quote that I totally stole from Jared Lorence’s facebook page (I think). It is from John Quincy Adams and it goes like this,

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”

So the last couple years I have voted for “the lesser of two evils” and I’m determined not to do that this year, so I am probably not voting for either Obama or McCain because I don’t agree with them on a number of issues. If you actually want to know why I can go into more detail, but I probably won’t, mostly because I don’t like you, no wait…

Anyway my amazing wife has really struggled with this idea that “I’m wasting my vote.” I just don’t think I am, I want to vote for someone I believe in, and I don’t really care if they win or lose.

So my Christian worldview has lead me to believe that God is sovereign over everything therefore He is sovereign over the election. God will not be surprised by who wins and I think all that is required of me is to pray about it and vote for who my conscience has lead me to vote for. Which is not a waste of my vote! Again I may not feel this way in two or four years but that is the way I feel right now.

O.K. let the playa hating begin!!!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you Caleb. And I agree that in principle you aren't wasting your vote. The point is if enough people are disgusted then the third party candidates will be strong and their voices will be heard.

10:12 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

What's the difference between voting based on issues and voting based on principles?

2:41 PM  
Blogger Caleb M. Saarela said...

I don't see a huge difference. If you vote your principles you will usually vote a certain way on different issues. An example would be that you are pro family, so generally you vote this way on these 4 issues. The idea behind the is that you should vote for someone based upon the way they have voted and what they have said on the issues at hand. Some people vote for a certain person because it is trendy some people vote for another canidate because their parents vote that way but it is better to look at the issues at hand and vote based on those. I guess I just like that website because it doesn't make anyone look good.

3:17 PM  

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