An open letter of update...

Well I know I haven't posted in a while sorry life has been busy and there was some good discussion on the money stuff. Anyway the big news is that I got into the classes I wanted to for the spring so it looks like Caleb is a student again. Thank you to anyone who has been praying for me to get into these classes and also who has prayed for me over the last three years that I would get my life together.
Today as I was walking out of the office with my little piece of paper saying, “I was on my way” I had such and overwhelming sense of God’s faithfulness. How many times had I started to doubt and question what God was doing in my life. Anyway thanks to everyone, especially my family, for sticking with this loser I’ll let you know how things go…
Caleb M. Saarela
P.S. Those are the same lyrics as before but they just fit so well, sorry I'm lame. I'm working on a little poem it's almost done and then I'll post that soon...
"Fathomless your endless mercy,
weight I could not lift.
Where do I fit in this puzzle,
what good are these gifts?
Not a martyr, or a saint,
scarcely can I struggle through.
All that I have ever wanted,
was to give my best to you.
Lord, search my heart,
create in me something clean.
you see flowers in these weeds.
Gently lifting hands to heaven,
softened by the sweetest hush,
a Father sings over his children,
loving them so very much.
More than words could warrant,
deeper than the darkest blue,
more than sacrifice could merit,
Lord, I give my heart to you."
R. Roper
Labels: Life Updates
Dude you are such a loser. Out of the 1000+ songs on your Mac you couldn't find another song that fit?
1000? Please what is this the year 1999...
Hey I got some other lyrics for you. How about
"I’m your only friend
I’m not your only friend
But I’m a little glowing friend
But really I’m not actually your friend"
They Might be Giants
or how about "Shut up" R. Roper how about "I don't like you" some other band how about "you always make me sick" sum 41 how about "I don't need your opinion so keep your mouth shut" RBF how about "Kiss off" the violent femmes or how about "your kind of annoying" C. Saarela yea take that... or how about "I love you" by a whole bunch of people o wait, crap I mean take that... yea... yea... O yea... ahh... O.K. I'm done...
You want a piece... of cup n' cakes?
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