Welcome to this weeks installment. I am going to post my paper I wrote for class. I am going to do it in two installments cause it's pretty long. It is nothing new, but I was working on it so I thought I would post it. I'd love to hear your thoughts. I was not always a Calvinist it was a long and hard road for me as I struggled with the doctrine but in the end God has shown me the great hope that is found in God's Providence. Hope you enjoy...
God’s Sovereignty
Caleb M. Saarela
I believe God is sovereign over all things. This may be a very simple answer to a very hard question. So lets break that down and look deeper into it. Even though it appears second I find in helpful to start with the meaning of “all things”. So all things encompasses all events, thoughts, actions, reactions, universes, atoms, choices, and all of the possible events, thoughts, actions, reactions, universes, atoms, and choices past present and future. Everything from the way a flower will bloom to what I will have for lunch to the collision of meteors millions of light-years away. Everything nothing is left out of the sovereignty of God.
So what is the sovereignty of God? God knows, and works all things, or as the Bethlehem affirmation of faith says, “… by the most wise and holy counsel of His will, freely and unchangeably ordain and foreknow whatever comes to pass.” I tried to say it better myself but kept leaving out things. So it is not just that he knows all things this goes a step further than the knowledge of God. He also ordains all things. Instead of ordain you could also use the word work or choose all things

So many people would now raise the next question. If I am O.K. using the word chooses how then can I be held accountable for my choices or actions, didn’t God do it? God may have ordained it but scripture is very clear that our actions and choice do have consequences. Romans chapter nine is a great example. In chapter nine of Romans, Paul talks about how God raised up Pharaoh and hardens his heart so that God would be glorified. Paul then goes on to explain how God “18…has mercy on whomever he wills, and he hardens whomever he wills.” But then why can we not cry foul God has done us wrong, but verse twenty silences any of our complaints. “20 But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, “Why have you made me like this?” 21 Has the potter no right over the clay, to make out of the same lump one vessel for honored use and another for dishonorable use?” In God’s divine plan He has made it possible that He ordains everything and we are accountable for our actions. I think this is one of the hardest concepts about Calvinism to understand and accept but Romans chapter nine has been a great comfort and revelation in my life. Here I will add a personal perception of American Christian culture. Romans chapter nine has to be one of the most avoided text in the American church. I spent my childhood, adolescents, and college years at church and never heard Romans chapter nine discussed, just a thought.

At this point in a normal discussion about the subject of God’s providence most people would bring up the problem of evil. The usual complaint is, “If God is in control of everything how come he allowed evil to come into the world and continues to allow it to rule this earth?” And then some will take it a step further, “If God wills everything he wills evil and this is sin, how can God do that?” I will start with the first objection because it flows into the second. I believe not only did God allow evil and still allows evil it was his will for evil to exist. I believe that in order to bring about the most glory to His name God saw it necessary for evil. If the human race was with out sin, God’s perfection would not look as glorious; we would have no need for redemption. In the act of man’s redemption God was supremely glorious, His grace is lavishly poured out upon us, His mercies rain upon us, His love is shown to undeserving humans, and all of these are given freely. God was and is most glorified by the act of redemption and this would not be possible without the existence of evil.
Well there it is first half of my paper. Again nothing new but would love to hear what you have to say on the subject.
Caleb M. Saarela
"This wooden soul of mine
it cannot ever climb
from places it has fallen
in between where light can shine
It never falls in line
it barely has a spine
like branches severed from the vine
like it was faulty by design
And now your mercy lights up my dark eyes
your brilliant hope now lifts my falling skies
and I'm the object of your affection
You loved me still in my imperfection
The sun will shine on winter snow
and shadows fade in Excelsis Deo"
R. Roper
Pictures used without courtesy of anyone my bad...
Labels: Serious Stuff, Spirituality
I liked the explination of God willing for evil to exist because it gives Him glory. . .i'm not sure if i have ever thought of it that way, but it makes sense and the question of evil and why God allows it is so often brought up. . .in the explaination about how God can be just when he condemns people for not choosing Him when he does the choosing anyway. . .i found myself wanting more. . .and i think maybe something came across that you didn't attend. ..and it maybe only came across to me as a reader and with different experiences/background. . .for me i think leaving the answer as who are we to question God?. . .makes it seem like you shouldn't even wonder about these things or try to come to peace with it. . .like it is wrong to question God. . .which is wrong in some cases but in others isn't it just a lack of being able to understand with our human minds the mind of God. . .and not that we are wrong for wondering, but we need to give certain things to God. . .like God I don't get it and its okay for me to say it doesn't really make sense to me. . .but i still choose to believe it because i believe in you. . .I know you are holy and just and therefore I believe. . .it is the fact that we are willing to accept something that seems unjust to us, as part of God's perfect plan, that i find amazing. . .that is faith, huh?,. . .so i liked the reference to Romans 9 because it is normalizing and predicting and validating the question of being blamed for a way the potter made you. . .but it also says in the Bible that we do not understand the ways of God. . .so would this also be appropriate here???. . .we don't understand and yet we also believe. . .i like your conversational style of writing very blue like jazz of you. . .okay so here's something i read that matthew henry (don't know if he's reliable, but seemed to be) about romans 9
"As to all who love and fear God, however such truths appear beyond their reason to fathom, yet they should keep silence before him. It is the Lord alone who made us to differ; we should adore his pardoning mercy and new-creating grace, and give diligence to make our calling and election sure." (Ro 9:25-29)
Thanks for reminding me about Romans 9. . .last year i was having some problems accepting the idea that we are sinners from birth, we can't not choose sin, and yet God says people deserve an eternity of suffering in hell for this. . .those who He doesn't choose to save from this condition inherited since birth are guilty and tortured forever. . .finally, i decided to give it to God because i don't understand how this is perfect and just, but i know God is. . .before i felt guilty for having these questions, but aren't these okay things to wonder? and then just say okay God it is quite amazing that despite my lack of understanding i still have faith?/ long i know sorry i just can't control myself. ..
Thanks Missy. It is O.K. to be long winded about the subject, heck we spent three weeks on it in class. I do think it is o.k. to at some level to say I don't understand. There is a complexity in God's plan.
You are also right to be left wanting more in the section about how are we still accountable for our actions. I should have spent more time there specifically in Romans nine. I think also looking at the other example that Pual brings up in that chapter make the subject easier to grasp. He talks about God's choosing the offspring of Sarah and Rebeca. I had seen it before but when our instructor drew it out it also made it more clear that from the begging of the human story God has been choosing people and things for grace and wrath not based apon anything those people do. Anyway that is a quick response filled with lots of mistakes...
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