Well this has to be short
Just a quick post and then it's off to bed. I had this like super busy but super productive weekend. I studied a ton saw my parents hung out with friends got my hair cut studied some more, and went to a congragational meeting. Anyway here are some pictures of my hair cut (below) before and after. Scott my friend cut it he did an amazing job it looks like a profesional, which I can't spell. Anyway I'm amazed at his... BARBZERDRY . Here is a link to a Strong Bad e-mail about such things remember to click on barbzerdry in the e-mail and then after the paper comes down remember to click on napping strong sad (the words) and eyebrow style the words you can also click on the poster while the box is dancing and you will find another easter egg. If you understand any of that last sentence you are my new best friend. BFFTW!!! Yes best friend for this week, I can't settle down you know, I am the cat's meow... O.K. just getting weird now, bye...


Labels: Just for fun., Politics
Now I can pass for a fifteen year old again, Hooray for Box!!!
You are too funny. I love your blog, I still read it religiously. Good thing too because at least I know what's going on with you, since we all never see each other anymore. For instance, I'm glad to know you got a haircut so I will recognize you the next time I see you. Phew. Later Dude. :)
Yea how sad has my life become, the most exciting thing going on is my hair cut. Actually it's not the most exciting thing going on.
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