Random Monday Rants...
All right this is going to be a ton of little different things.
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Here is a link to Dr. King’s I have a dream speech.

Yesterday Nathan, Mitch, Brent and myself went up to Bethlehem to watch the documentary “Citizen King” about Dr. King’s life from 1963 to 1968. It was really good, a little mix of information and emotions. If you ever get the chance you should check it out.
Yesterday at church we sang the song “I’m on the Battlefield” arr. by Ron Porter it was a nice song. What I really liked was Pastor Kenny Stokes prayer afterward. I liked how he described becoming a Christian is like being born onto a battlefield. It’s just an interesting way of looking at it. It reminded me of the scene in the movie “12 Monkeys” when Bruce Willis’s character goes back in time and ends up in World War I. He is naked and confused and needs the help of others. Like every analogy it kind of starts to break down but remember when you first came to faith or had that experience that put you back on the path with the Lord, how crazy excited were you? You charged the line, absolutely fearless. As time goes on you need to regroup, refocus, retool, sharpen your sword, and all of the other great war analogies. Anyway it made me think.
Next, my favorite pair of shoes have finally hit their end. It’s over they have been the best shoes for the last three years. I got them two days after I got back from China. I will swear by Vans they are the best, super durable. So I wrote a poem about them. It’s funny and not meant to be taken seriously at all.

My Vans
My skateboard shoes are dying
Holes on all sides explode
They have never seen a skateboard flying
Pops and squeaks along the road
Brown with blue, spots of tan
Lace drag, seams thread barren
Feet slide in and I’m the man
I walk by the chicks are stare’en
I’ve worn them everywhere
In every situation, on my feet
Through horror, trial and care
Now their end they face defeat
Their task completed the quest is over
The insides have been laid to waste
I will see them like my brother
Forty dollars later they will be replaced
Caleb M. Saarela
Goodbye my shoes, oh so sad…
Next, I want to write one little thing about the article on Jonathan Christman’s blog. I believe that there is risk in every relationship. EVERY relationship! It is the risk that makes the relationships in our life worthwhile. If you never take a risk in any relationship you will never get to know anyone intimately. I think about the relationships that have meant the most in my life they are with people who have asked me the hard questions and who I have shared my soul with. I will use my relationship with my roommate Mitch as an example. I have only known Mitch a year and we have lived together for five months. We have gotten to know each other pretty well, we have had the chance to share very personal things with each other, we lead a Bible study together, and we have many of the same friends in our church communities. The risk we have taken is that if we would have a falling out it would affect so many aspects of our lives. I actually think we could pull off the living together just fine. People live together all the time and never interact it isn’t fun but it is doable, but it would have an affect on our friends, Bible study, and we would both lose the joy of the relationship. We have made a decision and said this relationship is worth the risk.
I feel like many people try and create risk free relationships and I just don’t think they exist on a deep level. I am not promoting recklessness but we all take calculated risks in relationships and I think that is a good thing. I have a glued hand analogy but this is getting long so that will have to wait for another time.
One more thing…

Rock N’ Roll
I am such a dork
Caleb M. Saarela
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
Here is a link to Dr. King’s I have a dream speech.

Yesterday Nathan, Mitch, Brent and myself went up to Bethlehem to watch the documentary “Citizen King” about Dr. King’s life from 1963 to 1968. It was really good, a little mix of information and emotions. If you ever get the chance you should check it out.
Yesterday at church we sang the song “I’m on the Battlefield” arr. by Ron Porter it was a nice song. What I really liked was Pastor Kenny Stokes prayer afterward. I liked how he described becoming a Christian is like being born onto a battlefield. It’s just an interesting way of looking at it. It reminded me of the scene in the movie “12 Monkeys” when Bruce Willis’s character goes back in time and ends up in World War I. He is naked and confused and needs the help of others. Like every analogy it kind of starts to break down but remember when you first came to faith or had that experience that put you back on the path with the Lord, how crazy excited were you? You charged the line, absolutely fearless. As time goes on you need to regroup, refocus, retool, sharpen your sword, and all of the other great war analogies. Anyway it made me think.
Next, my favorite pair of shoes have finally hit their end. It’s over they have been the best shoes for the last three years. I got them two days after I got back from China. I will swear by Vans they are the best, super durable. So I wrote a poem about them. It’s funny and not meant to be taken seriously at all.

My Vans
My skateboard shoes are dying
Holes on all sides explode
They have never seen a skateboard flying
Pops and squeaks along the road
Brown with blue, spots of tan
Lace drag, seams thread barren
Feet slide in and I’m the man
I walk by the chicks are stare’en
I’ve worn them everywhere
In every situation, on my feet
Through horror, trial and care
Now their end they face defeat
Their task completed the quest is over
The insides have been laid to waste
I will see them like my brother
Forty dollars later they will be replaced
Caleb M. Saarela

Goodbye my shoes, oh so sad…
Next, I want to write one little thing about the article on Jonathan Christman’s blog. I believe that there is risk in every relationship. EVERY relationship! It is the risk that makes the relationships in our life worthwhile. If you never take a risk in any relationship you will never get to know anyone intimately. I think about the relationships that have meant the most in my life they are with people who have asked me the hard questions and who I have shared my soul with. I will use my relationship with my roommate Mitch as an example. I have only known Mitch a year and we have lived together for five months. We have gotten to know each other pretty well, we have had the chance to share very personal things with each other, we lead a Bible study together, and we have many of the same friends in our church communities. The risk we have taken is that if we would have a falling out it would affect so many aspects of our lives. I actually think we could pull off the living together just fine. People live together all the time and never interact it isn’t fun but it is doable, but it would have an affect on our friends, Bible study, and we would both lose the joy of the relationship. We have made a decision and said this relationship is worth the risk.
I feel like many people try and create risk free relationships and I just don’t think they exist on a deep level. I am not promoting recklessness but we all take calculated risks in relationships and I think that is a good thing. I have a glued hand analogy but this is getting long so that will have to wait for another time.
One more thing…

Rock N’ Roll
I am such a dork
Caleb M. Saarela
Labels: Just for fun., Movies, Social Justice
Caleb, I agree with your statement that there is a risk in every relationship and that it makes the relationships in our life worthwhile.
I also like what you say in your response to Jonathan's blog; that "our conversations should match the level of commitment that is being seen in the relationship". I think it's important that we know the person we are marrying/dating/courting better than the friend that we see only once a year. I think the problem comes when we fail to communicate both by actions and words, what that level of commitment is to the other person.
"A spiritual friend is someone with whom it is safe to take apart our shallow faith, our compulsive addictions, or whatever else might be under the surface of our visible lives. He or she will help us to exchange our weaknesses for a new source of trust, conviction, and desire." --James Houston
Thanks Anonymous. Wow, you must have really been teased about your name in Junior High. I can only imagine the taunts and jabs.
Hoping your not scared for life,
P.S. I stole that joke from a cartoon...
Seeing as I forgot to sign my name on the first comment, I thought for a minute you were psychic when you asked if I had been teased about my name in Junior High....
Psychic or psychotic? I mean can you imagine being named anonymous, wow check out
to get a real life example, um not really it's a fake life example. the rest of the e-mail is pretty funny too.
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