Have I been Super Sized

Well I finally saw Super Size Me. I'm probably the last person on the planet to see it but I am on my two-week movie binge. Anyway I really liked it and was challenged by it. I felt like it really had a good balance and a healthy view of the concepts they are looking at. If you don't know the concept they are basically saying fast food is bad. But what I like is that they don't place all the blame squarely on companies like McDonalds, they are able to find a nice balance between personal responsibility and corporate responsibility, which is rare in most scare tactic movies. The thing that affected me the most was the shock his doctor was in. When his doctor basically sees the effects on his liver as the same affects of a long drinking binge and then comments, "I didn't know you could do that with a diet high in fat." Amazing, the shock of the doctor still makes me laugh.
I know some people have seen this movie and have not eaten fast food since, I don't think that will happen to me, but I will take the free advice for the many nutritionist in the movie and try and limit how often I eat a fast food restaurants to once a month or so. Anyway you should see it for the comedic value and for the interview with the author of Fast Food Nation, Eric Schlosser. O.K. that’s all I got man I’m super boring these during my break.
Oh a note about the New Year. I don’t know who reads this really but if I haven’t gotten the chance to hear about what the change of year means to you in 2006 I would love to hear from you. Especially right now I have time to hear from you so e-mail me let me know your thoughts on the New Year, cmsaarela@yahoo.com. O.K. talk to you soon.
Hungry Hungry Hippo(ing),

"My body... officially hates me."
Morgan Spurlock
Labels: Movies
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